Live on Purpose and Financially Free

By understanding where you currently are, you can better prepare for a life without financial strain.

"Where there is no vision, the people perish." Proverbs 29:18

Meet Dawnette

Dawnette, a Money Coach based in Long Beach, CA, has a compelling purpose driving her work. As a dedicated stay-at-home mom and a small business owner for two decades, she once experienced the overwhelming frustration and hopelessness of her financial circumstances. However, her life transformed when she uncovered practical financial principles that empowered her to take charge of her money matters, leading to newfound peace of mind and the prospect of a brighter future.

Equipped with her newfound wisdom and a deep-seated passion to assist others, Dawnette embarked on a mission to craft a world where individuals break free from their financial constraints



How We Can Help

Corporate Programs

We help you create a happier, healthier, more productive workforce with this financial wellness program.

Financial Workshops

Learn the basics of financial planning, budgeting, tackling debt, and more with these easy-to-digest in-person workshops.

Financial Coaching

Together we figure out the root cause of your financial issues and create an action plan to best assist you reach your goals.

Speaker Opportunities

Dawnette is currently available to speak about financial wellness at corporate and special events, podcasts, and more.


"Dawnette helped me to break unhealthy financial habits. Her consistent, non-judgmental support really helped me develop the belief that I could succeed in achieving my goals. Her guidance and assistance in implementing a simple, proven system towards financial peace was invaluable."

Not Sure How to Get on Track with your Finances?

Book a call with me today


50% Complete

Two Step

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